What Do I Write Here?

1 min readOct 14, 2020

A writer decides

Pixlr or something

Okay, I made a decision today. After 10 years of waffling, experiments, frustrations, Medium sold me.

This is, from here on out, my only blog outside paid professional work. Other sites I’ve made will remain live, but I plan to chip away at them, culling the best and re-editing it then posting here. Once I do that, I’m deleting the originals--Google doesn’t like cross-posts.

I’d go into why after what my wife would tell you is really almost 20 years of restlessness when it came to personal writing, I decided this is it, I’m sticking here, but I’m writing this on the phone, and it’s tedious. (Edit: Oddly, it was Medium’s change in URL structure for our profiles/sites that did it.)

I guess one thing I will do here is challenge myself. Maybe do some things that make me uncomfortable. I’ve needed to do that, and it’s time.

And I’ll keep covering my obsessions--like true crime--as well.

So here goes nothing.




Nashville boy in New England. Bylines with Inside Hook, Maxim, Observer, newser, Esquire, etc.